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1,241 files in 87 albums and 2 categories with 335 comments viewed 94,734 times |


Takato carrying Jeri like a Hero143 viewsI drew this of Takato carrying Jeri like a hero.Gamekirby

Mimi Tachikawa (Teen)146 viewsI hand-drew this of Mimi Tachikawa from the 2nd Season of "Digimon" A young girl who moved to America after her battles in the old days, Mimi has a friend named Michael who owns a Betamon. Mimi still likes being BFF with Yolei.Gamekirby

Color Slide: Mega Color175 views#7 of 8 of these. This was done kinda as a lead in to my next project which used the same templates I used to create this.EvilJekyll

padre rojo101 viewsthe red fatherchuck

"Heads up"32 viewsYou know that I know, that I don't know. Don't you?jhnnyboy

FILIAL - Parenting, A Connection54 viewssamsid

Skull52 viewsskull Skull SKull SKUll SKULl SKULLdrabart

Croc tears67 viewsit's hard to let go. this young croc has become attached to his friend and the flamboyosa lifestyle.. sad day indeed.. : (jhnnyboy


Murph and his Ownlife194 viewsjhnnyboyAug 10, 2016

El Tio162 viewsportrait of one mean hombrejhnnyboyJul 18, 2016

Selfish128 viewsThe ever snobby selfish.. stink'n to high heavenjhnnyboyJul 17, 2016

Pension of a Steamroller2476 views" Heir I go "jhnnyboyApr 09, 2016

Befuddled125 viewsI wonder whyjhnnyboyApr 06, 2016
